I am the calmest, sweetest, most ladylike Dun Quarter Horse around. I absolutely love my job at SPURS, and I enjoy making all my riders smile! A lot of my riders are independent because I listen so well.
I am the calmest, sweetest, most ladylike Dun Quarter Horse around. I absolutely love my job at SPURS, and I enjoy making all my riders smile! A lot of my riders are independent because I listen so well.
I’m not quite the tallest horse at SPURS, but I am the heaviest. I am 1,400 pounds of pure muscle! I can be a bit of a choppy ride because of the draft horse in me, so I am best for the riders who need to be kept busy and who like a fun ride.
I tell folks that I am a Welsh pony. No one likes Shetlands it seems. Before I came to SPURS in November of 2015, my trainer spent lots of time teaching me lots of movements, pivots, sideways and other cool stuff and I always try to do what my rider tells me to, but sometimes my leader doesn’t want me to. It can be very confusing, so I do best with riders who keep their legs still, because I am so ticklish. Side walkers really help. I am learning to neck rein and trot slower for one of my riders who loves me!
Haflinger is my breed. We are a small draft horse from Austria. I was donated to SPURS in the spring of 2016. My former owner has a sister who rode at SPURS and she wanted me to be able to help too. I have a great soft trot, perfect for riders with back issues. I usually have a leader and most of my riders are wiggly kids. I am learning to guide better with a snaffle and sidepull.
My heritage is unclear; some think maybe I am part Morgan, but it doesn’t matter. I like my job. I get to give rides to the cutest, sweetest kido’s. I love the attention and I try hard to help my riders have fun. It seems that everyone around here wants to trot a little too slow though.
My breed is called Norwegian Fjord, although some people around here call me a tank. I’m not sure what breed that is but I am very strong and can carry as much as Snickers does. If you love lots of movement, I am the horse for you, although I don’t always agree with my leader.
Hello from the Arabian world. That’s right; I am a full blood Arab and Handsome as can be! I am pretty tall so most of my riders are too. I think I like it best when I have a leader, called a horse handler. It is much less confusing that way.
Hi, I am Walker’s best friend and the other Paint horse around here. Next to Ace, I have been there the longest. This will be my 19th year and I still LOVE my job. I have helped lots of our students as they grew up. Even though I am getting older, I would still rather be working than tied up just to watch the other horses doing MY job!
Well, now that you have met all the Quarter Horses it is my turn. I am Proud to be a Tennessee Walker. My riders love my smooth gaits; that means that I don’t bounce my riders around at the trot and canter. I can’t remember how many years I have been here but is at least 10. I prefer for my riders to have very soft hands and keep the reins long.
I am a beautifully speckled strawberry roan Quarter Horse. I have been working at SPURS for about three years, but I have been giving riding lessons for a lot longer than that. I try very hard to do exactly what I am asked, even if it makes me a little worried.
My name is Jackie. I am a Quarter Horse too. I am fairly new at this job as I have only been here for one year. I spent the previous nine years just trail riding and wow, is this job different! There are lots of new things to get used to, but I’m learning.
I guess that I am the new horse on the block. I am a Quarter Horse and I moved here in early December, 2016, so I am getting to know other horses and how things work at SPURS. I am used to being very obedient so hopefully everyone will like me. I’m told I will replace Zak, a much beloved horse for the tallest riders; I will try to fill his shoes.
Hi to all my old friends! I am a Quarter Pony, which means small Quarter Horse. I have met and carried many of the students on my back over the last 21 years. Yes that’s right; I’ve been at this job for 21 years. Now I am semi-retired, but I still love to have my former riders say hi to me, even though most have outgrown me.